Mil M2. What question is urgent to ask?

This Activity Book is part of “What Question is Urgent to Ask?”, a work developed by Mil M2 and commissioned by Unfinished, an initiative promoted by McCourt, to further explore the development of various platforms of dialogue in order to find ways to address the economic, political and technological challenges we currently face.

These are the questions that move our work at Mil M2. As an arts collective, we have worked over the last seven years with hundreds of activists, social organizations and cultural institutions across the world, bridging different communities through the making, collecting, and staging of questions derived from face-to-face conversations. In the midst of the pandemic, this proximity is no longer possible, but dialogue feels increasingly urgent in times where we face multiple crises at once, and yet due to our current physical, political and technological confinement, it has become harder to address in the public sphere. In this context, this pandemic project invites us to examine and reimagine the ways we can generate discussion while exchanging ideas and knowledge with each other has never been more crucial.