My Blaster Has Discharged

Wednesday, May 20, 20:00
National Theatre, Kronvalda bulvāris 2
In Latvian with English translation

Author and director Konstantin Bogomolov
Set design and costumes: Larisa Lomakina
Video: Andris Vētra
Performers: Agnese Jēkabsone, Inese Kučinska, Everita Pjata, Gatis Maliks, Kaspars Kārkliņš, Mārtiņš Kalita,  Ģirts Lukevics

Producer: Liepāja Theatre (
Premiere on April 17, 2015

After his first production “Stavanger. Pulp People” in Liepāja Theatre Russian director Konstantin Bogomolov returns with his own piece ‘My blaster has discharged’ – a sequence of scenes featuring strangers of different ages, professions, world views brought together by unbelievable coincidence of circumstances. It is a story about our strange hobby – the living.

Konstantin Bogomolov (1975) is among the most distinct theatre makers in Russia and in recent years has held the position of Moscow’s most popular director with his controversial, flamboyant productions. In his works Bogomolov challenges the traditional approach to literary text and the very understanding of the nature of theatre. His performances present a polemic and nonorthodox vision of reality, often provoking heated discussions. Bogomolov understands “personal freedom in a repressive society as inner freedom. You can only be free to the degree that you manage to liberate yourself from inner censorship.” In Konstantin Bogomolov’s darkly comical, take-no-prisoners, acting-driven theatre, the laughter tends to get stuck in one’s throat. And yet his productions are extremely entertaining because – contrary to reality – “theatre is only a game”. He has staged performances in all the leading theatre in Moscow and received numerous awards. His staging of the contemporary play “Stavanger. Pulp People” in Liepāja theatre in 2013 won the annual Latvian theatre award for the Best Production and the Best Director of the year and was invited to Wiener Festwochen in 2014.
