
Saturday, May 23, 12:00
Museum Stage at Talsu iela 1
Duration: 1h45
In Latvian with English translation

Author Marius von Mayenburg
Director Viesturs Meikšāns
Set design: Reinis Suhanovs
Costumes: Monika Pormale
Performers: Elita Kļaviņa, Gatis Gāga, Vilis Daudziņš

Producer: The New Riga Theatre (
Premiere on March 26, 2015

A schoolboy is convinced that he can tell good from bad. He studies Bible and his views on morality are extreme. He does not accept mistakes. People around him want to silence the young Messiah. They are looking for peace instead of interpretations.

In his intense artistic career Viesturs Meikšāns (1980) has staged more than 15 performances and has got the most important Latvian theatre award as the Best Young Theatre Maker in 2009 and the Best Director in 2010, as well as the Grand Music Award for the best performance of the year 2014. For several years he was in-house director at the Valmiera Theatre, also willingly experimenting outside the conventional theatre frame. In 2012 he worked at MHAT in Moscow and took a sabbatical afterwards. Last year he returned on Latvian stage with ‘Mikhail and Mikhail play chess’, a sophisticated production of the complex opera by composer Kristaps Pētersons and librettist Sergejs Timofejevs about the famous chess match between Mikhail Botvinnik and Mikhail Tal in 1960. This season Meikšāns has decided to introduce Latvian audiences with the work of contemporary playwright Marius von Mayenburg by staging three of his works: ‘Perplex’ in Valmiera Theatre, ‘Martyr’ in New Riga Theatre and ‘Freie Sicht’ in Dirty Deal Teatro. Before becoming theatre director Viesturs has studied business administration and marketing at the Concordia International University in Estonia.
