All Her Books

Friday, May 22, 17:00
Daile Theatre, Brīvības iela 75
Duration: 1h40
In Latvian with English translation

Author Justīne Kļava
Director Dmitrijs Petrenko
Set design and costumes: Sintija Jēkabsone
Music: Reinis Ozoliņš
Lights: Māra Vaļikova
Performers: Esmeralda Ermale, Dainis Grūbe

Producer: Daile Theatre (
Premiere on November 19, 2014

He is a teenager from a nice family in a post-war Germany. She is a grown-up woman, much older than him. She is his first love. They start an affair. He reads books for her. After several months she mysteriously disappears. They will meet many years later in a war-time trial where he is present as a law student and she is one of defendants.

Based on the award-winning book and film “The Reader”, the story dwells the questions about human guilt, shame and forgiveness.
Director Dmitrijs Petrenko admits that his piece does not try to deal with Holocaust in its historical interpretation. “I was researching the question of society. What is a nation? I’ve always been interested in the particular experience of how people of different nations are ‘glued’ together in some important historical period, what is their common attitude in changing sociopolitical circumstances, and how it is solved.”

Dmitrijs Petrenko (1981) has studied communication and sociology before he turned to stage directing. He has worked as journalist in Latvian TV News department, as a political analyst at Latvian Human Rights Centre and was the editor in chief of he web platform Petrenko has taught journalism at Latvian University and was editor and presenter of a culture show on Latvian television. His professional directing debut in theatre came in 2013.
