International Forum on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy in Munich

Which current issues are cultural managers and cultural policy stakeholders dealing with around the world? Which topics, projects and visions for the future can cultural managers and cultural policy stakeholders collaborate on? How can they shape and improve the parameters for artistic production?

The International Forum on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy which will take place in Munich from October 26 till November 6 will offer representatives of Munich’s cultural institutions as well as cultural stakeholders from all over the world a platform to discuss these questions.

Topics include:

– Critical reflection on cultural management and cultural policy
– Cultural funding
– Audience development
– Cultural marketing
– Leadership
– International networking and cooperation

Target group:

– Between 30 and 45 years old
– Demonstrated very good knowledge of English
– Professional experience in the cultural sector: minimum of 5 years, in public/private institutions or freelance, e.g. employees of cities’ cultural departments, cultural managers working in a freelance or employed capacity for large or medium-sized cultural institutions, festivals or Capitals of Culture

Application deadline: June 30, 2015

Information and application: International Forum on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy
