Artists call out

Urban Heat is a project developed by the Festivals in Transition (FIT) network of 13 international festival partners, supported by Creative Europe, which enables artists to engage with the invisible communities within cities. The four year project supports emerging and mid-career artists to develop and create daring and extraordinary work that connects with the world outside the arts by addressing urgent political and social issues, and by working with audiences and communities affected by those issues.

Urban Heat is looking to support 22 emerging and mid-career artists (working in performance, theatre, dance and interdisciplinary, live art and installation based practice) who are open to reimagine and experiment with the role of arts in the development of contemporary cities (or) who are open to re-imagine how art could evoke change and support sustainability in the cities. Selected artists would:
• Attend the initial and closing academies in Munich (2015) and Utrecht (2018)
• Participate in a minimum of three Urban Labs scheduled throughout 2016. Altogether there will be 5 Labs organised around specific topics in Cairo, Lisbon, London, Dro and Maribor.
• Develop project ideas and proposals that would be commissioned by the international festival partners (at least one artist will be commissioned by each of the partners) in 2017-2018.

Travel, accommodation and per diems would be provided during the duration of the academies and labs. A separate fee will be available for artistic commissions in 2017-2018.

The application consists of CV, motivation letter and introduction to previous work, application deadline is June 22.


FIT members: SPIELART festival (Munich), Krakowskie Reminiscencje Teatralne (Krakow), International Festival of Contemporary Theatre Homo Novus (Riga), LIFT (London), Baltic Circle International Theatre Festival (Helsinki), Saal Bienaal (Tallinn), Bunker – Festival Drugajanje (Maribor), Spring Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht), Lokal – International Theatre Festival Reykjavik (Reykjavik), Centrale Fies – Drodesera (Dro)

Associated partners: Alkantara Festival (Lisbon), Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (Cairo), Reykjavik Dance Festival (Reykjavik)
