Homo Novus final week in November

The International Festival of Contemporary Theatre Homo Novus invites for the last act of festival autumn series on the week of November 7-12 with a programme that focuses on one of the most challenging and risky strategies of contemporary theatre – audience participation.

For the duration of the whole festival week we invite to attend two thematically linked and mutually enriching artworks that blend theatre and visual arts – “Of All The People in All The World”, a performative exhibition by Stan’s Cafe and “Guilty Landscapes. Episode I”, a live video work by Dries Verhoeven.

In the dance programme we introduce two choreographers – Nacera Belaza and Radouan Mriziga that share interest in the spiritual, mystical and repetitive.

The young Latvian theatre makers Valters Sīlis and Jānis Balodis will present an engaging and ironic look at the recent events in the Latvian economy in “The Success Story” with the performers of the National Theatre. The refugee crisis is addressed in the audio performance “Evros Walk Water” by Daniel Wetzel and in the collective breathing performance “The Forgetting of Air” by Francesca Grilli.

The last day of the festival is being curated together with the international artist collective Building Conversation, artist activist organisations Cape Farewell and Agents of Alternatives and theatre maker David Weber Krebs. It is an invitation to talk not about the world we live in at the moment but about the kind of world we would like to live in and how we can affect it.

Tickets on sale at Biļešu paradīze box offices, bilesuparadize.lv and the New Theatre Institute of Latvia.

Full programme and all details on homonovus.lv

Professional colleagues are kindly asked to contact Sandra Lapkovska at sandra@theatre.lv, +37167228477 for ticket reservation and assistance with accommodation in Riga.

