Premieres of DNA artists in Homo Novus festival

Festival Homo Novus 2015 commissioned and produced two new pieces by the young dance artists Kristīne Brīniņa, Krišjānis Sants and Erik Eriksson as part of the project [DNA] Departures and arrivals

By and with Krišjānis Sants and Erik Eriksson
Premiere September 8 and 10, 2015 at the former textile factory Boļševička

In Whirl the young choreographers Krišjānis Sants and Erik Eriksson bring together their keen interests about body in movement, research of traditions and new way of perception.
Building on rhythmic structures of folk melodies and one single movement common in traditional dances of many nations, Krišjānis and Erik bring pure physicality in focus and create a picture of perpetual movement of body in space and time.

By and with Kristīne Brīniņa
Premiere September 5 and 6, 2015 at Zirgu pasts

In her new solo piece Kristīne Brīniņa makes an inventory of her personal things, juxtaposing values of deep importance and utter uselessness.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

