Residency of DNA artists in Jurkalne

Between June 2 and June 4 seven choreographers from [DNA] Departures and arrivals project will spend three days in a residency in Jūrkalne village to meet and talk together.
The three day gathering in the Latvian countryside is constructed as informal, non-hierarchical meeting among dance makers of the same generation in order to offer time and space for artists to discuss practices, ideas, ongoing projects and utopias, activism and the role of artist today. Following the statement by Dutch theatre maker Jan Ritsema that “people are nicer and more intelligent when they are not bound by (rigid) structures and rules”, the artists will themselves establish the schedule and agenda to follow during their stay together. This retreat is intended as a individual and community experience, offering (but not demanding) collective imagining and possible future collaborations.

Participants: Krišjānis Sants (LV), Kristīne Brīniņa (LV), Erik Eriksson (SE), Michiel Vandevelde (BE), Andros Zins-Browne (BE/US), Florin Flueras (RO), Alina Popa (RO)

This project is a part of [DNA] activities an is supported by the funding from Creative Europe Program of the European Union.
