Dance Moves Cities in Vecmilgravis

The Flemish choreographer has worked in the district for three weeks together with eight Latvian dancers to create a story of a community where everyone is united, yet they are all individuals. The show will start off with a feast for all those that are present and will then go on as a performance in the urban space.

“From Vecmīlgrāvis with love”

18th June, 19:00 in the courtyard of Ziemeļblāzmas street 51

19th June, 19:00 in the park of the Culture palace ‘Ziemeļblāzma’, Ziemeļblāzmas street 36

Choreographer Koen Augustijnen

Co-authors and performers Katrīna Albuže, Evita Birule, Dmitrijs Gaitjukevičs, Aldis Liepiņš, Elīna Lutce, Roberts Muciņš, Eva Vancāne, Kristīne Vismane

The choreographer is interested in the force that holds a certain community or a group of people together. He is also fascinated with the Latvian folk dance tradition that is still alive nowadays. Arriving at Vecmīlgrāvis and taking a little tour around, one can discover a place with many different faces – still and quiet, surrounded by water with the majestic Culture palace in the middle of the park, yet the industrialism is also very present in the neighbourhood. The co-authors and performers have been visiting Vecmīlgrāvis since March to collect and document places, interview locals and create their own story of the area.

Koen Augustijnen started his career working with the famous Flemish director Alain Platel and les ballets C de la B. He’s been directing and creating his own work with the company since 1997. He has also been working outside the company in the recent years, creating performances in Palestine and Australia. His works possess the characteristics of les ballets C de la B, combining contemporary art with pop culture in a very eclectic, energetic and light manner.

NB! This is an outdoor performance.

Getting to the venue from Riga city centre:

–          With buses 2 and 24 (30-40 min) or minibuses 200 and 224 (20-30 min) to the stop ‘Martas Rinkas iela’ + a 10 minute walk;

–          With the train to the ‘Ziemeļblāzma’ station (20 min)

–          With a bike (60 min)

The project “Dance Moves Cities” is a series of performances in urban spaces that contemporary choreographers from abroad create together with Latvian dancers.

Upcoming Dance Moves Cities public events and performances:

23rd and 24th August in Grīziņkalns / collective Contact Gonzo (Japan)

13th and 14th September in Sarkandaugava / choreographer Willi Dorner (Austria)

Dance Moves Cities is a ‘Riga 2014 – European Capital of Culture’ event.

Supported by the EU Culture programme, Japan Foundation, EU-Japan Fest, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Foundation Riga 2014, Culture palace ‘Ziemeļblāzma’, Diena
