Heterotopia stories in the literature festival in Riga

This summer three Latvian authors – Inese Zandere, Pauls Bankovskis, Andris Kuprišs, wrote stories for the performance “Heterotopia Riga” by Japanese director Akira Takayama which was premiered at the Contemporary Theatre Festival “Homo Novus” on 5-13 September 2019.

Saturday 7 December at 15:00 at the Estonian Embassy (13 Skolas Street, Riga) as a part of International Literature Festival “Prozas lasījumi”, the writers will read these at the same time historically accurate and fictive stories about the Japanese military attache Makoto Onodera and his wife Juriko Onodera and the time they spent living in Riga during 1930’s.
The readings will be followede up by a discussion hosted by Santa Remere, culture journalist and Japanophile, who was also the researcher and co-cretaor of “Heterotopia Riga” project.

The event will be in Latvian with the option to read the stories in English. The discussion will be held in Latvian and English.
Free entrance.

More: https://www.facebook.com/events/937678359932646/

